Séminaire IA décembre 2021

Programme du séminaire :

  • 2 pm : AP Dr Christian Wolf, Deep Learning of High-Level Reasoning
    Christian WOLF is associate professor (Maître de Conférences, HDR) at INSA de Lyon and LIRIS, a CNRS laboratory, since sept. 2005. He is interested in machine learning and computer vision, especially large-scale learning of the capacity to perform high-level reasoning from visual observations, and more recently the connections between machine learning and control.
    He is the head of the AI chair / chair in Artificial Intelligence at INSA-Lyon, and the national coordinator of project ANR Delicio « Data and Prior, Machine Learning and Control » (2019-2023). He is a member of the directing committee of GDR ISIS and co-leader of it’s topic « Machine Learning »; co-leader of the topic « Machine Learning and Robotics » at GDR Robotique; member of the scientific committee of GDR IA; member of the board of AI experts at the French national supercomputing cluster GENCI; member of evaluation ANR committee « Artificial Intelligence » from 2019-2021. He has supervised 12 defended PhD theses, is an associate editor of IEEE-T on PAMI and area chair of CVPR 2020, NeurIPS 2020, ICLR 2021, ICCV 2021, ICML 2021, NeurIPS 2021.
    He received his MSc in computer science from TU Vienna, Austria, in 2000, and a PhD in computer science from INSA de Lyon, France, in 2003. In 2012 he obtained the habilitation diploma, also from INSA de Lyon.
  • 3 pm : Mariia Vladimirova, Bayesian Deep Neural Neworks
    Marria VLADIMIROVA is a PhD student at Inria Grenoble Rhone-Alpes in Mistis and Thoth teams (Grenoble, France) under the supervision of Julyan Arbel. She received a bachelor degree at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 2013 and a Master degree in Industrial and Applied Mathematics from Grenoble (Ensimag) in 2018 and a second master degree in Applied Mathematics form MIPT in 2019. She is involved in bayesian Deep Neural Netowrks and she publishes in prestigious conferences (ICML, ISBA,..) and already gave few invited talks.
  • 4 pm : Prof V. Barra, Image-to-Image translation.  A review and a case study
    Vincent BARRA is full professor at Clermont-Auvergne INP and LIMOS, a CNRS laboratory, since sept. 2006. He is interested in machine and deep learning, from both methodological and applicative point of view. He has been the Dean of ISIMA, an engineering school in Computer Science from 2012 to 2017, and Vice-dean of the Computer Science Doctoral School from 2007 to 2016. He’s currenlty assistant-director of LIMOS and vice dean of Clermont-Auvergne INP, in charge of education and training.
    He has published 43 journal paper and more than 90 communications in conference proceedings. He participates or leads several regional/national/international projects in the field of machine/deep learning. He has supervised 13 defended PhD theses.
    He received his Engineering diploma in applied maths and his MSc in computer science  in 1996,  and a PhD in image processing from Blaise Pascal University in 2000. In 2004 he obtained the habilitation diploma, also from Blaise Pascal University.


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