
The 16th Quality Control by Artificial Vision conference (QCAV’2023) will be held in Albi (France) from Tuesday June 6th to Thursday June 8th, 2023 (+ an optional aerospace industry visit in Toulouse on Friday June 9th in the morning).

The QCAV’2023 website (still under construction) is now open: https://qcav2023.sciencesconf.org/

The Call for Papers can be downloaded here: https://qcav2023.sciencesconf.org/data/Call_For_Papers.pdf

Please note that the deadline for the 2-page abstracts is October 7, 2022.

The submission procedure is on the conference website.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Albi <https://www.albi-tourisme.fr/sites/all/themes/albiot/albi360/> in June 2023.

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